As you can see, even with our simplifications a newborn baby is quite a complex state machine. I would imagine, if using TDD in isolation, we are all but guaranteed to miss some transitions. But despite the complexity we are able to easily account for all scenarios through this exercise. As a bonus we can also manually trace through any flow with this diagram, allowing us to perform sanity checks.
Another potential benefit beyond performing TDD in isolation is that we don’t need an overabundance of integration or end to end tests for the different flows, or series of transitions. Using a structured approach of triggers, transitions, and states mathematically guarantees that any combination of flows can work, assuming each transition has been unit tested.
One thing we did not cover was side effects. For example the baby may smile when you touch her but it does not affect her overall state. Side effects are useful to annotate and know about but are not necessary to effectively model the program.
I hope this demonstrates how we can tackle complex programs by modeling them as finite state machines.